An Essential Perspective . . .

The intent of this website is to expand beyond materialistically narrow considerations regarding everything the UFO topic invites us to contemplate. This website was created in 2012 by researcher & teacher Susan Larison Danz, M.S., host of The Frontier Beyond Fear broadcast. For a number of years, with periods of dormancy, it did maintain an archive of "mainstream" news stories related to the "nuts and bolts" aspects of the phenomenon and had a presence at regional UFO events and booths at occasional expos. All along, the non-material aspects were actually at the center of Susan's work, but this website remained focused at the time on the "nuts and bolts".

Other experts who are interested primarily in the "nuts and bolts" aspects are much better situated to focus on that area of research. Going forward, this website and its partner domains will be focused on non-materialistic, empowering, expansive contemplations regarding how we should be thinking about extraterrestrial/interdimensional possibilities and research. This is not a new perspective, but it is a critically important one that has always warranted mindful and serious thought. There is also a synchronistic relationship to Susan's research and teaching regarding AI and how we assess if a species (including our own) can be considered "truly advanced" solely through technological and material advancement. (The answer obvious to many of us is "No.")

There is much more to our world (and beyond) than the "nuts and bolts". The impacts to society from any formal approach to a "disclosure event" are profound and should such an event actually be allowed to occur in the foreseeable future, it will unfold in many intricate ways. The non-material perspective is essential not only to avoid materialistic fundamentalism - but more importantly for humanity to embrace its own worth and empowerment.

Listen to a fascinating conversation between Susan Larison Danz and Stephen Bassett on The Frontier Beyond Fear broadcast from some years ago, but still relevant, presenting dual perspectives (the "nuts and bolts" and "higher consciousness" views).

More will emerge on this site when the time is right . . .